Outrageously, this is one of the few times her work has become well-known internationally, but here in the UK there’s way more to McCutcheon than Love Actually, so it’s about time we rectify this travesty. 

The Tragic Death of Tiffany Mitchell

Her award-winning portrayal of Tiffany Mitchell in Eastenders made Martine McCutcheon one of the UK’s best-loved soapstars, and her tragic death in a 1998 New Year’s Eve special was watched by 12 million viewers.  Which is all the more impressive when you consider she somehow manages to die almost instantly after gently rolling over the bonnet of a car travelling approximately 2mph. We’ve frankly seen more perilous looking falls on bouncy castles, but still, the nation was utterly heartbroken, so much so that a book of her fictional soap life called Tiffany’s Secret Diary released at the time of her death became an instant bestseller. She went on to have four other Top Ten hits and has released four albums, and also won an Olivier Award for her West End performance as Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady. Two words: triple threat.

Death By Wheel of Cheese

If you haven’t seen Martine McCutcheon’s character in Midsomer Murders get offed by a giant wheel of cheese, you simply haven’t lived. This is up there with this cosy crime drama’s most ridiculous deaths, and that’s saying something – other gruesome ends on Midsomer Murders have included being electrified by a roulette table, run over by a tank and being hit by bottles of wine flung from a catapult.

The Weirdest Wedding Photo Ever

Every time we remember Martine McCutcheon was Liza Minnelli’s bridesmaid when she married David Gest, our minds are blown anew. She apparently became friends with the couple after meeting them at a club, a chance encounter for which we will be forever grateful, as it led to this unbelievable wedding photo. Michael Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor, Liza Minnelli, David Gest… and Martine McCutcheon. Other guests at this star-studded ceremony included Diana Ross, Joan Collins, Mia Farrow, Anthony Hopkins and David Hasselhoff, and – in a case of life imitating art – McCutcheon was apparently sat next to former President Donald Trump. Sadly, this time Hugh Grant wasn’t around to defeat him with a rousing speech about David Beckham’s left foot, but we’re sure Martine held her own. Find out where to stream Love Actually this Christmas